The 3Bays Golf Swing Analyzer (GSA) Pro records all your swing motions. Its unique (GSA) Pro app helps you to analyze your swing and shows your Swing Consistency, Club Head Speed, Face Angle, Swing Tempo, Ball distance and other valuable parameters. You can easily review your swing records in parametric form and even in graphical format, compare your swing with your best swing, and play back your swing arc motions at various speeds.

10,000 data captured per swing 3Bays Golf Swing Analyzer (GSA) Pro will capture the raw data of a user swing parameters. All data can be transferred to an iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad with the iOS version for further analysis in real-time. The Android version allows you to transfer your data to any Android Phone or Tablet. You can review your actual swing arc, club head speed, tempo, ball distance and other valuable parameters immediately.

Get this at Convenient Gadgets & Gifts – $199.95