Indoor outdoor Mini Golf Course

“This is the mini-golf course that sets up indoors or outdoors to challenge players with a variety of obstacles. Made in Munich, Germany, from rugged ABS that will not crack or break, it includes nine pieces that allow players to create unlimited courses. A maze obstacle returns balls that miss the 3″ wide lane leading to the hole in its center, an inclined corkscrew requires the right angle of attack to reach the hole at its center, a two-way incline demands just the right touch to reach the hole at its apex without dropping down the other side, and two circular 13 1/4″ diameter raised platforms tease players with shallow holes that can allow a ball to pass over if hit too hard. A bridge and a banked curve provide additional challenge. Includes one rubberized 29″ putter, one plastic golf ball, and two 4 1/4″ diam. practice discs.”

Get it from Hammacher Schlemmer – $185.95