
“The Boomphones Phantom Headphones – Speakers offer the best of both worlds, minus the limitations. The Phantoms allow you to keep your jamming sessions private, or with the push of a button enter Boombox Mode, and share your music with the masses.

Boomphones are designed with four speakers -two on the inside of the headphones, and two on the outside. LED lights indicate which mode is in action: glowing white when your Boomphones are internally amplified, red when you push the bomb icon to blast the external speakers in Boombox Mode. Boomphones allow you to make and answer phone calls, whether listening privately or, with the push of a button, switching to speakerphone.

Two audio cables are included, one with an integrated microphone, volume control and push-to-talk capabilities. This makes them convenient for people who use their phones to listen to music -no need to switch cables, or talk directly into your phone. You can also plug them into your computer, electric guitar (with adapter), keyboard, beat machine, to be used as a portable amp. For all the DJs, included is a 6.3 mm jack that you can connect directly to your equipment. Comfortable to wear, and available in Matte Black and Polished White, Boomphones use a built-in lithium battery that’s easily rechargeable through a mini-USB, providing a full 10 hours of internal use and 5 hours of external use.”


Get this at Convenient Gadgets & Gifts – $149.95